As you know all students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject or Senior VCAL unit are returning to school tomorrow Friday, 10th September. Unfortunately all other students will remain in remote learning.
Year 12 students will be expected to be onsite all day, however Year 11 students studying a Unit 3 & 4 subject will have the option to stay onsite or return home for remote classes if they have the capacity to do so. Year 11 bus travellers studying a Unit 3 & 4 subject will have a supervision space for times when not in face to face classes. Further information will be sent to you directly from Sub-School and Year Level Leaders.
Unfortunately, Year 7 – 11 classes will continue to be remote until the end of term unless there are further easing of restrictions.
Provisions for onsite supervision for students in Years 7 – 11 remains the same and those wishing to attend will have to meet the specified criteria and complete the necessary paperwork prior to attending.
Face masks are mandatory for all students attending onsite.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the front office or reach out to Sub-School Leaders.