Bullying. No way day.
- Friday March 19th is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, this year’s theme is “Take Action Together”
- The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is an important day in our school calendar to join with other schools across Australia to say ‘Bullying. No Way!’ . We’re joining the nationwide movement with schools across Australia to Take Action Together against bullying. Together we can make change. Everyone has a role to play in supporting young people in dealing with bullying and helping to energise positive discussions about the issue.
- A 2 minute video on the power of bystanders (for younger year levels7-8) https://youtu.be/5QQbiwNvzYU
- Signs of bullying:
- Each student who has been bullied or is bullying others will respond and act differently.
- A student’s behaviours and moods can change for a variety of reasons.
- Teachers and parents/carers need to be alert to the possibility that the change in behaviours and moods is related to bullying.
- Talk with the child about school if you are concerned and ask general questions about how things are going.
For parents and carers:
Signs a parent or carer might notice include if their child:
- doesn’t want to go to school or participate in school activities
- changes their method or route to school or is frightened of walking to school
- drops in academic performance
- changes in sleep patterns
- changes in eating patterns
- has frequent tears, anger, mood swings
- takes money from home
- has unexplained bruises, cuts, scratches
- loses or brings home damaged belongings or clothes
- arrives home hungry.
The signs of possible bullying online can be the same as signs of other bullying, but include other behaviours with phones and computers, for example:
- being hesitant about going online
- seeming nervous when an instant message, text message or email appears
- being visibly upset after using the computer or mobile phone, or suddenly avoiding it
- closes the screen, or hides the mobile phone when others enter the room
- spending unusually long hours online in a more tense, pensive tone
- receiving suspicious phone calls, emails or packages.
- Download a list of possible signs of bullying (PDF, 82KB) or accessible version (RTF, 82KB).
- The ESafety Commissioner is running free webinars throughout MARCH (16th, 17th, 18th and 22nd) for parents around cyberbullying and online drama, supporting their children to have safe and respectful online relationships and what to do if things go wrong. You may want to consider inviting parents to register here: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/webinars in the newsletter.
- https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/preventing-bullying/national-day-of-action-against-bullying-and-violence
- There are three types of bullying behaviour:
- Verbal bullying which includes name calling or insulting someone about physical characteristics such as their weight or height, or other attributes including race, sexuality, culture, or religion
- Physical bullying which includes hitting or otherwise hurting someone, shoving or intimidating another person, or damaging or stealing their belongings
- Social bullying which includes consistently excluding another person or sharing information or images that will have a harmful effect on the other person.
- If any of these behaviours occur only once, or are part of a conflict between equals (no matter how inappropriate) they are not bullying. The behaviours alone don’t define bullying.
Verbal, physical and social bullying can occur in person or online, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly.
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