2021 Lockdown Olympics
Are YOU up for the challenge?
Each day during Remote Learning we will set you a challenge. These challenges will be a range of things, some may be sporty, some that you can complete in the kitchen, some for the more artistic, and some just for laughs!
You do not have to enter, this is entirely optional, but obviously the more entries the better.
To be a part of this you will need to accept our invite to the 2021 YSC Lockdown Olympics Google Classroom. Each day, in the Classwork section, we will post a new challenge.
To enter:
- Take a photo or video of yourself completing the challenge, or once it is complete, depending what it is.
- Submit your entry into the challenge by 3:20pm on the day it is set.
- The title of your entry must include your name and form group.
- Make sure that all entries are appropriate and you complete them safely. Don’t take
We will be choosing the best entries for prizes, along with some participation rewards.
The invite link for the Google Classroom:
We are looking forward to some fantastic, entertaining entries over the next couple of weeks. Let’s get creative and have a bit of fun 😊