Great Results for 2024

Last year, when VCE results were released, 8% of Yarram secondary College students received an ATAR above 90, and 25% received an ATAR above 70. These are exceptional results. Our students also had success in Chemistry and Outdoor and Environmental Studies gaining 40+ scores in these subjects, while in English, Environmental Science, Food Technology, Health and Human Development, Math Methods and Physical Education, students recorded study scores of 36+, placing them in the top 20% of the state. When first round offers were released a week later every single student, who desired a university pathway, received an offer, with the majority getting a first preference.  Our students will head into wildlife and conservation biology, biomedical science, engineering, psychological science, education, health science, business, accounting, criminology and physiotherapy.

But, senior pathways and success are not just defined through VCE exams and ATAR scores, they are defined through apprenticeships, traineeships, and jobs.  Last year, 11 senior students left school to pursue careers in engineering, building, hospitality, education support, automotive, and electrical.  A further 10 students juggled School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, with the majority due to complete their studies in 2025. Currently, our students are completing Cert III qualifications in carpentry, early childhood education, aged care, commercial cookery, dental assisting, hairdressing and Electrotechnology.

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