Book Week is coming!

Did you know that next week is Book Week? 

At YSC, we are kicking it off on Monday with the launch of our new Book Club and a special book-themed debate.

If you would like to join the book club or come and see what it’s all about, please let Kylie know, as we will provide lunch for you. Come along to the library at the start of lunch to “blind date” some books and to help choose your first novel.

If you would like to attend the Book Debate on the topic “Are books better than films?” held by YSC’s Debating Club, come along to Room 9 at 1pm.

On Tuesday we will hold Book Trivia in the library with great prizes up for grabs.
On Wednesday, you can dress up as your favourite character from a book, and join us for a Costume Parade and barbecue at lunchtime.
On Thursday, you can join Mrs Tschugguel to “Write a Book in a Day” – more info. to follow.
And on Friday, Mr Langdon will be running a book-themed Scavenger Hunt – so keep your eye out for some clues this week.

See Ms Heber, Kylie, Ms Miller, Jess, Mrs Tschugguel, or Mr Langdon for more information on any of these.

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