

    At Yarram Secondary College we provide a comprehensive education for all of our students. It is our aim to develop well rounded individuals who become lifelong learners.

    We offer a broad range of VCE subjects, have state of the art Technology and Art facilities and an extremely successful Music Program.

    Year 7 - Learning Community

    The Year Seven Learning Community is based upon an ‘Inquiry Model' that will foster a love of learning and teach toward creating well rounded students in the areas of personal and social learning, discipline based learning and interdisciplinary learning. The Community will build students that are independent, responsible and have the ability of reflection and metacognition. Strong foundations will be built in literacy and numeracy throughout the year.

    Each of the students will be working toward becoming effective in the following areas:

    • Responsibility for Learning
    • Team Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Thinking and Questioning
    • Real Learning
    • Tolerance and Acceptance

    Year 9

    The Year 9 program is designed to develop students who are both academic achievers and positive contributors to our community. We have based our curriculum development on four key points from the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PoLT).

    1. Greater emphasis on student centered learning as opposed to a curriculum centered approach.
    2.  Schools to establish close links with the outside organisations and individuals who can support the school.
    3. There will be increasing use of off campus learning resources in the wider community.
    4.  Developing and sustaining a committed community of learners.

    Year 10

    The subjects offered at Year 10 level provide a breadth of experiences across the Key Learning Areas and are designed specifically for Year 10 students to prepare them for further studies in years 11 & 12, which include a choice of VET, VCAL and VCE subjects.

    Level 10 is an important transition year from the Middle Years of structured education to the Post Compulsory Pathways Years.  Year 10 is a time for students to make decisions about their future. By Year 10, students are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and their likes and dislikes within the curriculum. It is a time to think about preferred career paths and students with the help of their parents and teachers should be making choices not only for Year 10 but beyond secondary school.



    The Visual Art Department consist of four light and airy rooms, a computer pod, a large drawing studio, a dark room and a media screening room. Students have access to a large range of 2D and 3D art materials, photographic and animation equipment and more.

    Years 7 - 9

    The junior years focuses on introducing students to a range of art disciplines such as photography, printmaking, drawing, media and painting. Students learn about the three areas of study; Visual Arts, Media and Design. They begin to discuss and compare art elements and principles from artworks throughout history. They begin to use their folios to document and annotate their ideas.

    Years 10 – 12

    Students can choose specialised VCE art subjects which include Studio Art, Visual Communication and Design and Media.

    In each subject, students will develop skills of real world artists/designers. They also continue to use their folios to document and annotate their ideas. Students are encouraged to develop an appreciation of artist in the related fields. They will continue to build their analytical skills and subject base vocabulary.

    Food Technology

    In Year 7 Food and Technology, we explore the characteristics and properties of food, food selection and preparation, and contemporary food issues. Students come to understand the importance of a variety of foods, sound nutrition principles, food preparation skills and food safety.

    In Year 8 Food and Technology, students focus on food as human-produced or harvested resources, and how food is produced in managed environments such as farms or plantations, or harvested from wild stocks. Students develop an understanding of the challenges involved in managing these resources within sustainable agricultural systems. Students come to understand the importance of a variety of foods, sound nutrition principles, food preparation skills and food safety.

    In Year 9 Food and Technology, students undertake a research project and apply design thinking, creativity, innovation and skills to develop, modify and produce a food item based upon the principles of food safety. Students have the opportunity to plan and produce a carrot cake, using the guidelines set out be the National Great Carrot Cake Competition, at the Sale and District Agricultural Show.

    In VCE Food Studies, students explore food from a wide range of perspectives. They study past and present patterns of eating, Australian and global food production systems and the many physical and social functions and roles of food. They research economic, environmental and ethical dimensions of food and critically evaluate information, marketing messages and new trends.

    Technology Materials (Wood & Metal)

    Unit Description

    In this subject students learn the importance of safety in the workplace and learn to identify hazards and use safe practices.

    The students are expected to keep all of their written work in a portfolio that will be assessed at the end of the semester.  A journal entry for each lesson will also be completed at the end of each day.

    The students learn how to read a design brief, outlining the constraints and considerations to take into account when investigating and designing possible options to be produced. After researching the students create a work plan which will include a series of 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional working drawings with full measurements.

    The students then do a series of skill building exercises, before producing a product to suit the design brief.

    Students are expected to complete a realistic time plan (short term and long term goals) for completing a product within the given time frame. Students are also expected to review how effectively they manage their available time, and suggest strategies that would improve their success in meeting the requirements of the design brief within the specified time frame.

    The students then critically analyse and evaluate their product using evaluation criteria and an assessment rubric.


    Students will be assessed each lesson on their compliance to the class safety rules.  The major assessment tasks for the semester are the students portfolio including all research and design drawings.  The product that is produced and all student evaluation sheets.


    Each year we have a College production, written by the students and staff. Students from Years 7-12 work together in the production in all areas of performance including singing, dancing, choreography, music and production including lighting, sound, props etc.

    Our music program is highly successful.  It has grown significantly over the last 7 years and this year celebrates 22 years.  It provides opportunities for students to participate at various levels.  All students have the opportunity to study music at Year 7 and 8 in the classroom program, and as electives in Years 9-12.  The school also offers private tuition and instrument hire for almost half the student body at present.  Students rehearse and perform in the following groups:

    • College Choir
    • Vocal Ensemble
    • Concert Band
    • Stage Band
    • Rock Band
    • Brass ensemble
    • Soul Band
    • Percussion ensemble

    We also have a Primary Instrumental Program that allows students from our local primary schools to attend music tuition classes at the Secondary College and their own schools.  These students also perform at YSC events.

    We have a number of public performance opportunities throughout the year. Some of the major events in the calendar include the Annual Concert and Exhibition, Tarra Festival Easter Parade, the Yarram Eisteddfod, a variety of regional performance opportunities and the Annual Film Festival.

    Students are also lucky to have visiting guest artists throughout the year. In 2010 we had a special visit from Wilbur Wilde (former Skyhooks) who along with teacher John Rees (Men at Work) held music sessions with the students then performed in the annual concert alongside our band.

    Each year we have a College production.  In 2018 the school was "Soul Sisters" written by the students. Students from Years  7-12 worked together in the production in all areas of performance including singing, dancing, choreography, music and production including lighting, sound, props etc.