This week our Year 10 Leadership Team finally got to experience, first hand, all the sessions that they spent almost two terms planning. The 5 Ways to Wellbeing Day has been a project that Year 10 Leader Mr Ben Langdon worked on with the Wellington shire and his year 10 Leadership Team; Torri Lubeck, Frank Cupples, Jayde Hand, Francis Edwards, Ella Farley, Skye Hogan and Madison Russell.
The program was diverse and covered a range of activities including a Barista lesson with local coffee guru Rob-the-Bean-Peddler-Drakeford, cupcake decorating with Ms Helena Palmer, a chain of survival session run by Ambulance Victoria, a Taco and Pizza making session with our Wellbeing Coordinator Jess Mitchell and her comrade in arms Annie, and a hero talk by local entrepreneur, Matt Langdon. The climax of the day was an all-inclusive colour run which, saw staff and students alike join in the fun and run the gauntlet of colours. The five-pronged focus of the day was to connect, be active, keep learning, be aware and help others. From where this by stander was
positioned I saw our Year 10 cohort connect and laugh, I saw them learn new skills like coffee making and cake decorating, I saw them develop an awareness for each other as they dodged colourful chalk colours and I saw a group of leaders help and support each other to realise a vision for their peers.